This What Causes The Bottom Of Your Foot To Randomly Cramp Up

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Imagine this, you’re lying in bed drifting off to sleep when all of a sudden, you feel it. The agonizing jolt of pain that is a foot cramp. It can be a jarring and painful experience and it can happen at random but have you ever wondered why it happens?
Muscle cramps are caused by your muscle fibers. Typically, they loosen and tighten depending on your movements. However, when you make a move that your body isn’t prepared for, they can tighten too hard which causes a cramp. However, there are many other factors that could increase your chances of a cramp.
1) If you work out too hard. Athletes will often experience more frequent cramps at the beginning of the season. This is because their body isn’t used to the intense training and needs time to adjust as the more regular workouts are a shock to the system.

If your muscles are being overused or even injured during intense exercise, it’s highly likely that you’ll be experiencing muscle cramps with it. Instead, try not to overextend yourself and if you have intensive workouts coming up, try to work your body up to it.

2) Aging. Muscle cramps are just another thing to add to the list of what you love about aging. The older you get, the more likely your chances of cramping up.
This is because as your muscles age, they’re less able to respond as quickly as they used to, making it easier to catch them off-guard with a sudden movement.
3) Dehydration. Muscle cramps are just one of many reasons to stay hydrated. When you don’t drink enough water, it can take a toll on your muscles.
4) Lack of Vitamin D. This one, you’ve likely heard before. If your body is low on Vitamin D, it can make you more susceptible to cramps.
This also goes for if your body is experiencing a lack of calcium or magnesium, so get some sunlight, drink more milk and eat more almonds.
5) Pregnancy. Pregnant women have been known to experience intense muscle cramps, particularly in their third trimester.
6) Serious Illness. However, if you’re experiencing severe cramps on a regular basis, go see a doctor immediately as it could be a symptom of a more serious condition.
Frequent muscle cramps have been associated with a number of conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, MS, Huntington’s disease, thyroid or kidney problems.
7) It could be something else. If none of these explanations are able to explain your cramps, know that something muscle cramps are completely random, even known to occur while you’re sleeping.
So, now that you know what muscle cramps could be a sign or symptom of, what can you do about them? Start by gently massaging the area in a circular motion when they first occur.
If you’re experiencing cramps due to a lack of Vitamin D, there are supplements you can take as well as ones for calcium as well.
Also, don’t forget to get outside and exercise, provided that you don’t overdo it. Stretch before and after a workout, be sure to stay hydrated throughout and you should experience far less cramping.


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