Gum recession occurs when the margin of the gum tissue around the teeth wears away, or pulls back. Because of this the tooth is more visible. Due to gum recession, “pockets” or gaps are formed between teeth which becomes suitable ground for bacteria to build up. Because most of the tooth is visible, it becomes sensitive and painful. Also the bone structure and the supporting tissue can be damaged which often results in tooth loss.
Although this is a common problem, people do not notice it. This is due to the fact that this process is quite slow and develops gradually. So check you gums if you notice that your teeth are sensitive. That is the first sign. Another warning sign is the tooth’s size. If it is larger than before then you must start with proper treatment as you have receding gums. Other symptoms are:
- Tooth pain/ache
- Tooth sensitivity
- Larger tooth than before
What causes receding gums?!
It can be caused by a gum disease but there are other reasons as well:
- Periodontal diseases – bacterial infection of the gums. It can damage the supporting bone of the tooth as well as other problems.
- Lack of oral hygiene- If you don’t wash your teeth regularly, plague can be deposited on the teeth. Calculus will be formed which is a hard substance that causes gum recession.
- Aggressive brushing– If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be damaged and this will cause receding gums.
- You can blame the genes. In this case you don’t have a choice.
- Hormone imbalance can cause receding gums. This is a big problem especially in women. Hormonal imbalance leads to more sensitive gums.
- Smoking -Smoking is linked with many other diseases as lung disease and cancer, but it can also cause receding gums. Smokers can get sticky plague on their teeth more easily which causes receding gums.
- Clenching and grinding your teeth can cause receding gums. If you bite the food with more force while you eat, may also cause the same problem.
- This is a strange reason, but piercing your tongue or lips can be linked with receding gums.
How to treat receding gums
If the problem is noticed in its early stage, your dentist can treat them with root panning or tooth scaling. The dentist will remove the plague or calculus from the teeth and the area under the gum line. But if you don’t notice the problem on time, you may have to undergo a surgery which may be to: regenerate of the lost tissue and tooth bone, soft tissue graft, depth reduction etc. But if you want to avoid surgery you may want to try some homemade remedies mentioned below. But you must consult your dentist first in case you have severe gum infection. In this case you mustn’t avoid surgery. If the problem is not so serious you should try these natural remedies. With their help and with proper oral hygiene the receding gums will grow back.
How can they grow back?
Gums are actually a soft tissue which makes the teeth to stay in their place and to cover the roots of the teeth. If you want to solve the problem you need to have proper oral hygiene and use some recipes as oil pulling.
Homemade recipes for growing back receding gums
Here are some homemade recipes that are made of only simple ingredients such as herbs and spices.
Green tea
Green tea is known by its health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants which fight the free radicals that can be the cause of periodontal disease. Green tea contains catechins, a powerful antioxidant which is proven to destroy any periodontal disease. This antioxidant is able to strengthen the connection between the teeth and gums. Its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the swelling of the gums which is linked with oral diseases.
How to use it:
Drink 1 cup of green tea every morning.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a well-known and extremely beneficial herb. It is especially used for skin care. This is because it contains numerous anti-inflammatory and repairing properties. If you have receding gums, Aloe Vera will help you in the fight against inflammation and will repair the tissue. It will also prevent other infections as it has antibacterial properties.
How to use it:
There are two ways in which you can use Aloe Vera gel. First, you can use aloe Vera gel to rinse your mouth and for brushing your teeth.
After flossing and brushing, apply Aloe Vera gel and once again brush the gums and teeth. The treatment should last about 3-5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth well.
The other way is to use it as a mouthwash. After brushing your teeth take some aloe Vera gel and mixed it with water. Gargle with this mixture every day after brushing your teeth.
Oil pulling
Oil pulling is the most effective remedy against receding gums. It is also beneficial in the fight against other oral diseases but is mostly known for healing cavities. It also has other health benefits and anti- inflammatory properties. It reduces plague deposits and toxins in mouth. The sesame oil is able to form a protective layer over the teeth and in this way will reduce the plague build-up.
How to use it:
Warm the sesame oil but do not overheat it. Then after brushing your teeth rinse your mouth with this oil. Gargle it for a few minutes. You can start with 30 sec. to 1 minute and once you get used to the taste prolong the time. The final goal is 15-20 minutes.
Other way of oil pulling
You can also use coconut oil. It will reduce the risk of infection which is the main cause of receding gums. It will also heal the cavity and prevent tooth decay.
How to use it:
Use organic oil if possible. After brushing your teeth, use coconut oil as mouthwash. Start with 1-2 minutes and increase the time gradually. The final goal is to be able to rinse the mouth for 15-20 minutes. It will help you to grow back receding gums as well as protect you from getting bacterial infection in your mouth.
Eucalyptus contains many health benefits. The essential oils are known to have even stronger effects than the herbs. The eucalyptus essential oil is able to destroy germs and bacteria found in your mouth. Besides that, it will protect you from any oral disease. It is rich in anti- inflammatory properties and it also reduces the swelling of the gums. But you must dilute the essential oil in water before you apply the treatment as it is extremely strong.
How to use it:
You will need 1 or 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 1 or 2 tablespoons of water. Dilute the essential oil in the water and soak your toothbrush or your finger in the oil. Then apply the mixture on the gums and massage gently. This will prevent receding gums.
You will need the resin from the Myrrh tree. That resin is effective cure for treating different gum and mouth diseases. It will stop the gum recession and it will prevent additional damage.
How to use it:
You should use powdered myrrh. If the myrrh is in form of resin, make powder by crushing it. Add water until you get paste. Then apply on the gums and massage it well. The treatment should last for a few minutes and you can use the toothbrush to finish the massage.
Clove oil
Clove oil is often used against toothache. Many people are not familiar with the beneficial properties of this oil. It will act against the germs and bacteria in the mouth as well as against any other oral disease. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and reduces swelling of the gums. If you want to fight periodontal disease you have to reduce inflammation. You can even chew a clove after each meal as it can help in this way as well. Clove oil is effective against bad breath.
How to use it:
Massage your gums with 1 to 2 drops of clove oil. Use this method one to three times in a day.
Precaution: If you use medications against blood clots, please consult your doctor before you decide to apply this treatment.
Lemons are proven to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The lemon can stimulate the growth of receding gums and they also are effective against bad breath. But do not exaggerate as the lemons are extremely acidic and can destroy the enamel on your teeth. Avoid using lemon oil every day. Use it once a week. You can also make homemade lemon oil.
Homemade lemon oil:
You will need:
- ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil
- ½ to 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice
Directions: After putting the olive oil in a jar, add the lemon juice. Cover and shake it well. Wait for a couple of weeks. You must shake the jar every day. After three to four weeks you can start with the treatment.
How to use it:
Just put some olive oil on the fingers and massage the gums for a couple of minutes. Do the procedure not more than twice a week.
Tips for preventing gum recession
The best tip is to prevent the problem rather than to cure it. You will also reduce the risk of other dental diseases as well. Below you can find several useful tips which can help you to take better care of your gums and oral cavity.
Proper oral hygiene
It is very important to keep the oral diseases away.
- No aggressive brushing.
- Brush along your gym line, do not push the gums.
- Use gentle strokes and circular motion.
- Use a brush with small head and soft bristles.
- Dental Floss!!!
- The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to floss and brush your teeth after each meal. If you are cannot do that, after every meal use a mouthwash.
Mouthwash for a clean mouth
You will prevent bacteria and germ growth if you use mouthwash every day. You can prepare homemade mouthwash if you don’t want to buy it in the stores. You will need some essential oils.
– Prepare a Mixture with 1 to 2 drops of essential oil, such as sage oil, peppermint, clove or tea tree oil and mix t with ¼ to ½ cups of water. Use this mixture every day.
– You can also use hydrogen peroxide against infections. As it is quite strong you must dilute it in water.
Mouthwash is very important. Wash your mouth 2 times every day: in the morning and in the evening.
Water, water and water
We are familiar with the fact that drinking a lot of water is very important for our overall health. But find out why water is important for keeping your gums healthy.
– The toxins will disappear from your mouth and your body. You will get rid of germs and bacteria in your mount and therefore you won’t have problems with receding gums.
–Your mouth clean will be clean. If you cannot brush your teeth after every meal you can use water which is stuck between your teeth and in your mouth. Swish it around in your mouth and if you cannot spit the water out you can swallow it. Simple as that.
Eat healthy
Healthy food is rich in nutrients important for your overall health. It will also improve your immune system. On the other hand, junk food will cause bacteria growth in your mouth which can cause numerous infections.
-Consume many fruits and vegetables especially ones that are rich in vitamin C as this vitamin is extremely important for your gums. It can prevent inflammation and will regenerate the gums. So, consume oranges, asparagus, broccoli, pineapples, strawberries etc.
– Reduce the sugar intake and avoid carbonated drinks. They accelerate bacteria growth.
– Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, processed food, and anything that is made of white flour. They are bad for your overall health and for your oral cavity.
Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements
If you do not eat healthy food you will have problems with dental health and gum diseases. To prevent that, consult your doctor to find out if you should increase the intake of certain vitamins or some other important nutrients. The supplements mentioned below can help you against receding gums:
– Calcium: it is very important for dental and bone health.
– Coenzume Q10: it will renew your cells and it will help you to grow back your receding gums.
– Ginkgo biloba: it will improve your blood circulation, which is crucial for having healthy gums.
– Vitamin C: it will boost your immune system and also has many anti-inflammatory properties.
– Zinc: it will boost your immune system and you will fight different bacteria that can cause infection and oral diseases.
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