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Every day the nutritionists try to warn us about the danger from the food we consume, but we do not listen to their advices and continue to harm our own health.
Still, we must understand that we are made from the food we eat, and that we poison our organism with the unhealthy food we intake. We risk our health, the quality of our life and our longevity with the unhealthy choices we make, so we must make changes at once.
This is a short list of the 10 most dangerous and poisonous foods we must stop consuming.
It may not seem like it, but flour does the same harm to your organism as sugar by making your insulin levels go up and down. The wheat itself is very nutritious, but this value is lost while it`s being processed, by removing most of its fibers and nutrients making it useless and even harmful for your organism.
2. Sugar:
This is the No.1 enemy of a healthy diet. Sugar is connected not only to fatness but also to problems with the liver, pancreas, digestive system, and even the nervous system. You don`t need any more reasons that these to immediately stop consuming sugar, except the one from fruits and honey which is very nutritious and safe for use, in moderation.
3. Milk:
Why is milk on this list, when we know from our youngest years that it helps us grow and get strong? The truth is- as we get older, our organism can not digest lactose as earlier, causing food intolerance, inflammation, acids, bloating etc. Try to limit your intake of milk or completely stop using it. In case you can`t, replace it with its substitutes, like rice, almond, cashew or coconut milk, which are easier to digest and very delicious.

4. Donuts:
The first picture that appears in my mind when thinking of unhealthy food are donuts. Popular as they`ve always been, they have 0 nutritive value, only white flour and sugar, oil and trans-fats. These things combined are not only unhealthy, causing diabetes or heart problems, but can also be deadly, if consumed regularly.
5. Fast food:
There is not much to talk about here- the name itself says it all. It is the No.1 reason for obesity, not only in the USA, but worldwide. This combination of processed meat, sodium and saturated fats must be completely removed from you diet.
6. Sodas:
Like in donuts, the nutritive value of sodas and energy drinks is zero. Even more, they are full with corn syrup, sugar, artificial dyes, aspartame and all kinds of chemicals, causing many health issues.
7. Processed meat:
While processing the meat, it gets filled with sodium and nitrates, which are very unhealthy. The American institute for Cancer Research claims that it is connected to the increased risk of colon cancer, which is more frequent the last few years. Indigested, the nitrates become nitrites, leading to nitrosamine- a chemical causing cancer.
8. Potato crisps:
Dale Hattis, leading researcher at Clark University in Massachusetts, has found that acrylamide (a carcinogenic substance created when processing food at high temperatures) is the main reason for the more frequent cancer
cases in the USA. Not only this, the potato crisps are also full with salt and fat, and by regular consumption, we risk heart attack and stroke because of the high cholesterol and hypertension they cause.
9. Canned soups:
Like the processed meat and crisps, canned soups are pumped with salt and sodium- even 890 mg sodium per cane, in average, which is the daily needed dose. It may sound like a healthy option, but most of the people are not aware of these facts. This much sodium in you organism causes water retaining, leading to high blood pressure, leading to stress on your heart, and even heart attack.
10. Margarine


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