Comparing DC's New Costumes To Their Movie & TV Counterparts

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When it comes to costume designs in comic books, art often imitates life. Marvel and DC Comics often modify costume designs in the comics to match whatever costume their live action counterparts are wearing in film and television. DC unveiled several new costume designs for their comic line in recent weeks, many of which bear at least some similarity to the costumes appearing inBatman V. Superman: Dawn of JusticeThe Flash or Arrow. Let’s compare some of DC’s upcoming costume changes to the costumes appearing in DC’s television and movie slate to see if there’s any similarities.

Wonder Woman
There are several similarities between Wonder Woman's new comic costume and her upcoming attire in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Both costumes have red chest pieces with golden metal trim around the breastplate and belt area and a loincloth/skirt that covers the groin and rear while exposing the thigh. However, Wonder Woman’s new comic costume more elaborate, with shoulder armor and thicker bracelets that have retractable blades. Wonder Woman’s new comic costume is also a bit more practical, with a long sleeve undergarment covering the skin that’s not protected by her armor.
The Flash’s new duds features a darker color scheme that brings it closer in line with the costume appearing on CW’s The Flash. The Flash’s new threads also have lightning-themed trim around the hips, biceps, shoulders and thighs that resemble the gold trim on the Flash’s television outfit. There are differences, though, such as different colored boots and the use of a darker red accent color around the shoulders and legs on the comic costume.
Aquaman’s costume has probably changed the most to resemble its movie counterparts. Aquaman’s hair is longer, and his chest armor has a tribal pattern design that match Jason Momoa’s tattoos in the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice film. He’s also sporting a heavier set of wristguard that bear some similarity to his movie counterpart’s costume. Not everything is the same though. Aquaman’s comic costume has a breastplate (Aquaman’s movie version is bare chested) and has a much larger belt, that almost resembles a wrestling championship belt or weightlifter’s belt. Aquaman’s pants retain the character’s traditional orange and gold color scheme while the movie version’s pants appear to be made of black leather, although it’s possible the pants will appear similar when shown in full color.
Green Arrow
Green Arrow’s costume has also shifted closer to the character’s appearance on Arrow, with a hood and domino mask similar to his look on the CW show. The Arrow’s hood is fastened to the rest of his costume via a short vest that extends over the top of his shoulder to the end of the pectorals. Similarly, Green Arrow’s new comic outfit also has a vest that appears to connect to his chest. Green Arrow’s new costume has bare arms and appears to be made of a sort of armor-like material, whereas the Arrow’s television costume is made almost entirely of leather.
Arsenal’s new getup is a throwback to the 1990s, with bulky armor, pouches and a hard plastic domino mask. His costume on Arrow also has the pouches fastened to the belt as well as a simpler version of the domino mask. The color schemes are similar, with red on the chest and arms and black pants. Both costumes also have several straps that fasten around the thigh. In the costume version, the straps are connected to a leg holster that holds several throwing knives. I’m not sure what the straps are used for in the comic costume and it’s possible they could just be for show.
Professor Zoom/The Reverse Flash
Eobard Thrawne returns to the pages of the Flash in June, wearing a new variation of his classic yellow costume. The new costume appears to incorporate a few elements of the character’s costume from CW’s Flash series, including kneepads, black gloves, and black accents around the sides of the chest and legs. Traditionally, the Reverse Flash’s secondary color is red, so the black accents and lightning is a new twist. The new comic costume also has a sort of chinstrap that looks similar to the Reverse Flash’s cowl design on the television show.  
What do you think of DC Comics' new costumes? Do you think they match their live-action counterparts? Let us know in the comments! 


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