'Clean eating' without the cost

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It’s the latest healthy living trend, but is it possible to eat ‘clean’ on a budget?

What the Heck is Clean Eating? (ABC News)
There’s a new healthy eating craze, one that involves avoiding processed and refined foods, and instead basing your diet on whole ingredients. It’s been dubbed ‘clean eating’ and celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Kim Kardashian are reportedly signed up.

I'm on a serious health drive just now. After reading about the clean eating concept I've completely fallen for the promise of clearer skin, healthier children and more energy all round.

My house is slowly emptying of processed foods and filling up with fresh fruit and veg, and simple, organic ingredients. But it's undoubtedly costing me more and I have started to wonder if you have to have a celebrity bank balance to afford what should be a simpler way of life.

The high cost of quality

I’ve looked in the past at whether it’s cheaper to eat junk food, and regretfully concluded that it often is – especially if you’re cooking for just one or two people.

A student cousin of mine asked how he could afford to eat more healthily, given that he could buy a ready-made pot of cheesy beans and sausages for just £1.
I’ve also found that baking my own cakes is more expensive than buying the ready-made, preservative-laden treats that the supermarkets stock in such huge quantities.

So how much has clean eating been costing me?

Rising food bills

Since signing our household up to the clean living way of life, we have switched to organic produce wherever possible – but that is definitely more expensive.

For example, at my regular supermarket I pay £1.88 for two litres of organic milk, compared to just £1 for 2.3 litres of standard milk.

My family eat meat, and organic beef mince costs £6.96/kg compared to £4/kg for standard mince.

Pre-bagged organic onions are 32p each, compared to 25p each for pre-bagged standard onions.

Frustratingly, it can also be more expensive to buy basic ingredients and cook food than it is to buy ready-made meals. For example, an 800g ready-made beef lasagne would cost £3 at ASDA, but 500g of organic mince costs more than that before I’ve even bought veg to make the sauce.

So I have started to wonder if clean living is actually affordable for the average family, particularly with many people struggling with their household bills.

Here are some of the tactics I am using to cut the cost of our clean-eating campaign.
Eat less meat

As a vegetarian, this one doesn’t really affect me. However, my family are eating fewer meat-based meals each week and this has definitely cut our food bills. Beans, lentils and other pulses are a wholesome and cheap way to get protein into my family, and they are a fraction of the cost of meat – especially organic meat!

Buy cheaper meat

You don’t have to worry that you’re eating horse to buy cheaper meat! Ask at your local butcher to find out what cuts sell for less and get creative in the kitchen – a new cut might inspire you to try a new way of serving meat.

I have consistently found that the butcher at my local indoor market is cheaper than the supermarkets.
Find cheaper fruit and veg

There are a lot of ways to cut the cost of the fresh produce you buy. For example, if you don’t mind dropping the organic label then you can buy economy fruit and veg. It’s just as tasty as the pricier brands, it’s just the fruits can be smaller and a little more misshapen.
If you definitely want organic fruit and veg then ordering a veg box can be a good way to save money. Although they can be more expensive than standard supermarket produce, you could save 26% on like-for-like groceries, according to the Soil Association.

Again, my supermarket is about 50% more expensive for fruit and veg than the grocer at my local indoor market.
Cook in bulk

One reason that ready meals cost less is that the manufacturer has been able to buy the ingredients in bulk. To a certain extent, so can you. I’ve taken to cooking vast batches of meals, which brings down the overall cost per dish.

I’d like to serve my family freshly cooked meals every day, but I don’t have the time, money or energy! Cooking in bulk and filling my freezer solves all those – convenience food without the price tag or nutritional sacrifice.

Find a cheaper supermarket

One way to cut your bills is to move to a cheaper supermarket. Aldi, Lidl and other cheaper shops are all getting rave reviews so it could be worth checking them out for bargains.

You could also try using a service like Mysupermarket.com to compare the price of your regular shop and find the cheapest retailer. It claims you save an average of £17 every time you shop via its website.

Inescapable expense

Even with such careful tactics, I can’t deny that our food bills have risen. It shouldn’t be the case that healthy, basic ingredients cost more than heavily manufactured products that are also laden with sugar and salt – but it is.

I am considering abandoning organic food, as this is adding around 20% to the cost of many regular products. We would still have made many substantially healthier choices overall and eating less meat has definitely helped cut our food bills.

However, I am forced to conclude that clean eating would be hard to afford for anyone whose grocery budget is already tight.

Eating fresh, natural whole foods may not be just for the rich, but it doesn’t seem to be something that’s properly affordable for struggling households either.


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