5 Things You Didn't Know About Everyday Objects

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Get ready to drop your jaw!

#5 Bobbles on the hat

#5 Bobbles on the hat
Have you ever wondered what could be the reason for this cutesy bobble on the hats? Fashion statement? Well, not really! Introduced in the 18th century, these hats were primarily worn by the sailors. The ships in those days had a low ceiling. Hence these were necessary to prevent their heads from hurting!

#4 Hole in the candy stick

#4 Hole in the candy stick
No, it's not for you to use the stick as a whistle after you've finished the candy on the top! It is to prevent the candy from falling down.During the making of the candy when the stick is sunk in the liquid candy, the liquid fills the hole first. It is only when the candy cools down, it fixes the whole candy, making it hard and firm.

#3 Trouser Creases

#3 Trouser Creases
Earlier, clothes were made only in European factories and then shipped to other parts of the world. To make the shipping more feasible, they were folded and due to the long hours, the creases became permanent. Hence, after some time, people accepted them as a fashion statement!

#2 The lines on tubes

#2 The lines on tubes
Ever noticed these small lines on the tubes? Well, they're there for a reason! They are eye marks or colour marks that are readable to the light beam sensors to identify where product packaging is to be cut or folded as connected units stream through machinery at high speed.

#1 Pockets in panties

#1 Pockets in panties
Have you ever wondered what could these be for? Well, it's certainly not for hiding sanitary napkins or tampons! It is actually for providing a double shield to the women genitals.


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