Porn Has Gotten So Weird In The Last 10 Years

By | 12:57 AM Leave a Comment

#1 Spit Is Everywhere!

Nowadays, girls don't just sensually suck on a mans penis while filming, they hock a big loogie like it's no big deal. Since when was it attractive for anyone to spit, let alone a beautiful woman?! We understand the penis needs lubrication in order to pleasure the guy, but good grief is all that necessary? Guess all bets are off when your breast and vag are out!

#2 When Searching For Basic Porn...

Have you ever checked out the categories of a porn site? Don't, just go to the porn you already have in mind that day, because your sexual appetite might be ruined by what you read. There's the lovely bestiality, old people hookups, milf sex and the growing category of SIBLING SEX! WTF!? And don't even get us started on the mom-on-stepson videos we've run across!

#3 The Female Audience

Porn films geared towards a female audience has tremendously grown in the last few years, as women are no longer embarrassed to admit they too enjoy sex! Studies have shown that the female audience is more drawn to a porn with a story line and actual characters rather then just humping on the kitchen counter. Oh, and let's not get started on the popularity of those black and white kissing and foreplay gifs...because you know for sure a man did not create those for other men!

#4 The Comments

To be honest, the comment section of a video can be even more entertaining then the sex itself. It's full of random porn lovers expressing their thoughts and concerns on what they just watched. We've also seen many uber horny guys post their information (yes, phone numbers too) in the comment, hoping to replicate what they just saw in real life. The comment section truly shows just how many different personalities the world is full of...and that when it comes down to it, being horny will make you say and do some CRAZY things!

#5 The Amateur Porn Star

Remember when you HAD to download the porn video you selected before you could watch it? Well those days are long gone as streaming is all the rage in many industries. And with streaming comes the massively large world of amateur porn. Yes you, your neighbor or even your mom could upload a PORN to existing sites such as pornhub, and become an overnight sensation. The adult film industry might not like just how easy it is for regular people to show their sexual talents, but it drives just as much traffic to sites as the overly produced porn with a theme. And if you're considering pressing record during your naughty time, don't be shocked when your ex uploads it to the worlds most popular sites!


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