The First Porn Movie Filmed With Google Glass (VIDEO)
The inevitable has happened: porn stars James Deen and Andy San Dimas have made a film with Google Glass. In a thoroughly NSFW trailer, the pair use Glass cameras to capture video and see through each others' eyes in a reception room tryst — but it's not just recording. The trailer is a parody of everything you can imagine doing with a pair of futuristic glasses: turning on X-ray vision, accidentally making explicit Google searches, using a facial recognition database to look up... relevant anatomical details about a passing stranger. Did you know that "Glass" also rhymes with the name of a body part? James Deen does.
Given that Glass has been in the wild for some time, we're extremely doubtful this is the first X-rated video made with it. It is, however, the first professionally-made one we're aware of, especially with breakout star Deen involved. The glasses themselves were apparently obtained from Motherboard's Arikia Millikan, who attended the shooting, and adult app company MiKandi — whose first attempt at working with Glass was abruptly stymied when Google pulled its "Tits and Glass" app after only a few hours.
This doesn't have to be just a gimmick. It's also an interesting look into a possible future where today's point-of-view filmmakers abandon traditional cameras and simply place the devices on actors' heads. If Glass becomes as ubiquitous as Google hopes, it won't look like some William Gibson-influenced science fiction scene; it'll just be somebody wearing a pair of glasses. For now, though, the whole point is the novelty, like some kind of vicarious Silicon Valley role-play.
Deen and San Dimas, for their part, apparently weren't entirely convinced. Though Deen said he'd wanted to play with it from the moment he saw it, the glasses quickly started getting knocked off and caught in San Dimas' hair. And as the scene progressed, Glass itself started to heat up. That's not innuendo. That's what happens when you record for too long.
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