Nobody really likes a cold.
The annoying infection of the upper respiratory tract is often accompanied by symptoms that make it difficult to distinguish it from mild flu or other diseases. The nose runs, the head is heavy, the constant sneezing robs you of your last nerve. A real herb, on the other hand, has not grown, it only helps to be gentle and patient.
And whiskey, if you believe the opinion of a doctor.
Dr. William Schaffner, head of the preventive medicine department at the Vanderbilt University Hospital in Tennessee, USA, knows that a well-stored drop of an oak barrel can alleviate the symptoms.
"Whisky has no effect on the virus itself, but the effect on the body can provide some relief from the symptoms. Alcohol slightly dilates the blood vessels, allowing the mucous membranes to cope better with the infection."
Hot Toddy Recipe for Cold & Flu Season (Home Remedy)
The classic recipe for a drink that helps adults (!) is the so-called "Hot Toddy", a kind of whiskey grog: you'll find a recipe below in the video. Mix two or four cl whiskey with a few teaspoons of honey, add some lemon juice and about 200 ml boiling water. The whole thing can be enhanced with spices such as ginger, garlic or cinnamon, as these all have anti-inflammatory effects.
It is important to be moderate and not to drink alcohol all the time in case of illness - the body must remain hydrated, i.e. drink plenty of water and healthy teas, such as chamomile tea.
Or as Dr. Schaffner puts it:
"We would expressly advise against tipping thirty bottles of beer down one's throat in order to arm oneself against influenza".
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