There are many new products produced almost everyday promising to make you look and feel younger. Those remedies most probably include a lot of chemicals that eventually affect your skin negatively. As the saying goes, you are what you eat.
Avoiding junk food, eating lots of vegetables, drinking at least 8 glasses of water can be life changing to your body and lifestyle.
Let’s take a look at some of the natural remedies that leave your body and skin completely flawless.
Coconut Oil
It helps battle acne and for all skin types. Popularly known for it’s natural antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
Coconut oil leaves your skin soft and naturally glowing. They raise the good cholesterol in your blood which helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases.
There is also coconut water which is equally effective and coconut oil for the hair meant to treat damaged hair.
They improve digestion, decrease the risk of depression and protect your body from cancer.
Apart from that, it’s the perfect natural remedy for your hair and face. Leaves it soft and regenerates your skin and helps damaged hair,acts as a conditioner.
Healthy for the heart and vision and it’s very important for a healthy pregnancy as it helps reduce the risk of miscarriages.
The nutritional supplement has potential to reduce heart disease,an antioxidant, reduces the chances of getting Alzheimer and cancer. It can give your weight loss plan a boost as well. Major benefits to your body and brain. Usually used in making medicine, used in making food especially the curry as it’s the one that makes the curry have that color.
Vegetables are the best for your body and mind. You stay healthier and nourished.Keeping your organs in perfect condition. It has low calories so when planning to loose weight you should involve them in your meals. Gives you good vitamins all round.
It supports weight loss,inflammation,helps in low blood pressure.Rich in antioxidant, also promotes a healthy gut. Helps manage type 2 diabetes and lower the risk.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil has strong anti inflammatory properties,help prevent strokes,protects heart diseases, Alzheimers, type 2 diabetes among others.
Fatty Fish
Rich in omega 3 fatty acids for growth and development, high in many nutrients, vitamins and minerals. lower the risks of getting heart disease and strokes.
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