Watching Captain America: Civil War Left Sebastian Stan Speechlees And With Back Pain

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Captain America: Civil War is still a few months out, but a lucky few have already seen some early cuts of the film. Sebastian Stan, who plays Winter Solider, is among that small group, and he has nothing but good things to say.
In an interview with Collider, Sebastian Stan was asked if he'd seen the film already. He has viewed an early cut, and as you can see in the video, was quite enthusiastic about what we he saw.
“I sat there and basically there was a bowl of candy and fruit and gum in front of me and then there were sparkling waters and I basically sat on the edge of my couch the entire time and ate through the entire bowl of candy. I was overly stimulated with this movie, which I’m so proud to be in because everyone is f****** awesome in it. Everyone is f****** fantastic. I walked out of it speechless, and I worked on the movie and I was there! I walked out of there and I had back pain from leaning.”

 Never let it be said he doesn't suffer for his job, as now he is riddled with a sugar high and back pain because of Civil War. On a serious note though, the buzz has been overwhelmingly positive about the film, though the rest of us will just have to wait till it releases on May 6th to see if the buzz is warranted.


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