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I am not a child psychologist neither am I close to being a pediatrician but am sure of who I once was, a Child, yes I once possessed a child’s soul and the best part of the story is that everyone did. we all were children at one Point.
A child’s soul is pure; it knows no revenge, it is clueless when it comes to war, there is no vocabulary such as extravagancy in a child’s little dictionary. As I said am not an expert of children matters but I was lucky enough to come across what great people thought of children. Muhammad Ali admitted that “Children can make you want to start life over again” and I say that I totally agree.  There is nothing that can help you understand your beliefs than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child those are Frank Clark’s words and I chose to believe in them as well.

Just thinking out loud, if at all each of us carried our childhood souls to our adulthood I bet today what could be covering the news could not be the number of people who died in a terrorist attack in Iraq but  shots of the beautiful hanging gardens in the Babylon ruins historical site in  Baghdad. I will tell you again what a child would prefer when it comes to Israel and Palestine instead of the two beautiful nations fight over Gaza a Child would enjoy so much learning how the great strip was constructed regardless of whom it really belongs to, that’s just how a child sees things beautifully.
Did you know that there are more than three national parks in Tanzania? If you did not then take that as a free information from me, then tell me who will disagree with me if I say that a child would prefer seeing the monkeys jumping from one tree to another and hear the Lions roar in Tarangire National Park to hearing screams of dying children of God just because they were born with Albinism? Tell me again if a child will not choose to visit the newest zoo in Damascus over hearing more than five gunshots per day that leave our Syrian brothers and sisters parentless.
Every genereation has children so that they can remind all of us how we once believed that everything is alright, nothing is harmful its silent and safe everywhere, we all believed this at one point and we can choose to stick to this beautiful belief for the rest of the days.
I just discovered that apart from the eye-catching pyramids in Egypt, there is also a beautiful sea breeze from the red sea that calms the Egyptian cities each evening, tell me which is a better headline in the morning newspaper between one that reads HAPPY KIDS FROM A CHILDREN CENTRE WERE SPOTTED ENJOYING THEIR HOLIDAYS ALONG THE RED SEA or one that reads A PLANE CARRYING THREE HUNDRED PASSENGERS WAS HIGH JACKED AS IT WAS LANDING IN CAIRO? Which of the two newspapers’headlines would put a natural smile on your two years old child’s soul even when she doesn’t know how to read her own name had you written it down for her?
A child’s soul would be jumping with Joy if at all the BREAKING NEWS on a Nigerian Television Could tell of a new trade centre opened in Abuja and the number of the local people who will be employed out of it rather than the next northern Nigerian village whose dwellers are victims of a Boko haram attack two hours ago, and to tell you for sure, this is possible.
Let us see, and mention but few how many events could only be like a nightmare if we all remained with our childhood souls. There couldn’t be a history that holds an approximated number of the Kenyans who died in the 2007post election violence, neither that one of the deadly Rwanda Genocide. We could all be admiring Somalia as the horn of Africa instead of pitying the innocent children dying of hunger in Mogadishu.  Trust me the European Union could be holding meetings to discuss how they could strengthen their Economical bonds with the neighboring African and Asian Countries instead of how to handle refugees who are flooding to Europe running from whatever unpleasant situations from their homelands. We all need to re-candle that childhood soul that is within each of us
It is possible to only think of chocolates and cartoons once again, it is possible to close our eyes and pretend we are snoring when our Mamas force us to go to bed after lunch, it is possible to cry for new school bags whenever school resumes even when the ones we had during the last semester are as good as new, it is possible to have a CHILD’S soul again. Let us all be children and make this universe the right place once again.
I am that Child who wishes the world could be a better place, be that child too


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