Amell Defeats Stardust at SummerSlam

By | 4:19 PM Leave a Comment

Much like with every big event in comics, whether it's Marvel's Siege or DC's Blackest Night, there has to be a conclusion. Such is the story between Stardust and Arrow's leading man, Stephen Amell. 

This all started back in May when Amell attended Monday Night RAW and was singled out by Stardust before and after the match. Soon after that, Stardust began calling out Amell on Twitter. The two stars kept going at it over the coming months, including acts like Stardust tearing up a Green Arrow comic.
In a recent interview with, Stardust spoke of his intentions for Amell, even going as far as saying he's going to eat his heart. 
Amell looked pretty okay in the ring, however he let his partner do most of the heavy lifting. Amell still managed to land some impressive aerial moves like an enziguri and a senton splash against his enemies. The Brooklyn Crowd seemed very into this as the build up has been one of the most extensive feuds in quite a while. Even though Amell didn't get the pinfall over Stardust, his partner Neville hit his finisher, the Red Arrow, on Cosmic King Barrett for the victory. WWE's Twitter account tweeted congrats to the team on their triumph. 

As shown on WWE's official Vine account, Amell and Neville were seen backstage celebrating their victory. 

After the match, WWE seamstress Sandra Gray shared an up close look at Stardust's entrance cape.


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