Find Strangers Who Look EXACTLY Like You! Here’s How. #MINDBLOWN

By | 4:36 PM Leave a Comment
They say that there are seven people in the world who look exactly like you.
Dubliners Harry English, Terrence Manzanga & Niamh Geaney decided to set up their own social media challenge to find their ‘twin strangers’.

On March 30, the trio launched an online campaign asking the public to help in their search. They posted this on the Twin Strangers’ official Facebook page: “Do our faces look familiar? We’ve set ourselves the challenge of finding our doppelgangers. We want to see who can find the closest lookalike in 28 days. TAG FRIENDS THAT YOU THINK COULD BE OUR DOPPELGÄNGERS.”
Now, a month isn’t much time to search the entire planet for someone who looks exactly like you. And that’s why these results are shocking!
Submissions poured in from around the globe, but one stood out to Geaney. So she decided to meet her in person.
This is what Geaney and her doppelganger Karen Branigan looked like on their first meeting.

Not a bad match at all!

They already look like sisters but Geaney was determined to see if Branigan could pass off as her twin. And so they decided to wear matching clothes and do their hair and makeup the same way.

The results? WOW! Shall we say twinsies?

Yes, we can read your mind. How can I find my own twin stranger, right?
Try doing what they did. Create a page on the Twin Strangers website and add a photo album to their Facebook page.

Watch the twins meet for the first time!

Share with your friends so they can find their twin strangers too.


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