Did Sebastian Stan Reveal His Captain America: Civil War Allegiance?

By | 8:24 PM Leave a Comment
Whose side are you really on, Sebastian Stan?

While most assumed that Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier, would join Captain America’s faction in Captain America: Civil War, actor Sebastian Stan may have just revealed that his character could be the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Benedict Arnold.
In an Instagram earlier today, Stan posted an image of himself with a brand-new beard, along with the command “Pick A Side?” (P.S. It’s actually “choose your side.”) Hidden in the image, however, was a tag to Robert Downey Jr., who plays Iron Man. In doing so, did Stan just pledge the Winter Soldier’s allegiance to Iron Man? Stan could just be toying with audiences, especially since Chris Evans (who plays Captain America) doesn’t have an Instagram account.
What if there’s more to it, though? The move wouldn’t necessarily betray Marvel Comics cannon, as Bucky didn’t involve himself in the Civil War. And since Bucky’s brains seemed rather scrambled at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Iron Man may have a decent shot at manipulating Cap’s former partner onto his team.
But as they say, it’s all speculation for now. What do you think, readers? Could Bucky defect onto Iron Man’s side? Let us know in the comments below.
Captain America: Civil War opens on May 5, 2016.


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