The Flash: Five Things We Want To See In Season 2

By | 8:02 PM Leave a Comment
The Flash’s first season just ended, but it’s never too early to start guessing what will happen next on the popular superhero show. There’s a multiverse of possibilities (see what I did there?) where Season 2 might head, but here are five hopes we have for the upcoming season.

Be careful, there are spoilers in this article and we touch on at least one future plot point that has been confirmed for next fall. This article is mostly speculation however, so don’t be surprised if none of these things actually happen on the show.
More Rogues
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The first season introduced several of the Flash’s iconic Rogues, including Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Golden Glider, the Trickster and Weather Wizard. However, some of the Flash’s most dangerous villains have yet to appear, including Mirror Master (a deadly villain who uses specialized mirrors), Abra Kadabra (a time traveler who uses futuristic technology that mimics magic), and the Top (a super-smart Rogue with mind control abilities). Mirror Master seems like an obvious choice for next season, considering he was often romantically linked with the Golden Glider, a key member of Captain Cold’s crew on the show.
With Captain Cold now leading a small army of Rogues, here’s hoping that Season 2 finds even more ways to bring the Rogues in conflict with the Flash and his allies. Could we even see the beginnings of a Rogue War next season?
Jay Garrick and the JSA
The season finale gave DC comic fans a scintillating tease when Jay Garrick’s iconic Mercury hat fell out of a wormhole. Grant Gustin has already confirmed that next season will explore alternate universes next season, so it’s almost inevitable that the show will adapt the classic “Flash from Two Worlds” story that sent Barry Allen on an Earth-Two adventure with Golden Age counterpart, Jay Garrick.
While it’d be amazing to see a live action version of Jay Garrick, why stop there? The Flash should introduce more members of the Justice Society of America, the premier superhero team of Earth Two. This could be the perfect opportunity to introduce a new wave of superhero fans to fantastic characters such as the Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott, Hourman, or Dr. Fate. The JSA is my favorite DC superhero team, and there are dozens of iconic characters waiting to jump in this television universe.
A Meatier Role For Iris
Iris West
One consistent criticism of The Flash was how poorly it used Iris Allen throughout the first season. Iris didn’t have a lot to do besides act as a love interest for Eddie and Barry. And it didn't say much for the character when she was the last person on the show’s cast to know about the Flash’s secret identity. Now that her love triangle is out of the way and she’s clued into Barry’s superheroics, it’s time to give Iris something other than stress about the the men in her life. Personally, we'd like the show dig deeper into Iris’s career as a journalist and turn her more into a Lois Lane archetype instead of a passive love interest.
A Heroic Pied Piper
One of the many Rogues to appear last season was the Pied Piper, an ex-STAR Labs employee with an axe to grind against Harrison Wells and the Flash. The Pied Piper appeared in two episodes and helped Cisco uncover the truth behind Ronnie Raymond’s disappearance before escaping. We appreciated how, unlike many of the other Rogues, the Pied Piper was both smart and had a legitimate reason for attacking the cast, as Harrison Wells cost him both his hearing and his job at STAR Labs.
In the comics, the Pied Piper eventually went from The Flash's friend to foe, while becoming one of DC’s first openly homosexual characters. Since the Pied Piper already has a history with STAR Labs and many of Barry’s allies, there’s a prime opportunity for him to assist the Flash in a few episodes. Not only would The Flash be sticking true to the comics, but the Pied Piper would also be the first openly gay superhero to appear on a live action superhero property.
The Elongated Man and Sue Dibny
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Ralph Dibny, AKA the Elongated Man, has one of the goofier superhero names in comics, and is known as a goofy knockoff of other “stretchy” superheroes like Mister Fantastic or Plastic Man. But before he was relegated to a joke, the Elongated Man was an early ally of the Flash and a detective on par with Batman. If the CW were looking to expand its cast of Justice League members on TV, the Elongated Man would be an easy and fun addition to The Flash with unique abilities and plenty of story potential.
And if you’re bringing the Elongated Man to The Flash, then you need to include his quick-witted and resourceful wife, Sue. Sue and Ralph were inseparable in the comics, and Sue was the first honorary non-powered member of the Justice League. Many fans consider Ralph and Sue’s love is one of the best relationships in comics, giving Barry and Iris an example on how to be a functional couple while engaging in superheroics.
So who or what would you like to see on The Flash next fall? Be sure to leave your guesses in the comments below!


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