Studies Finally Reveal What Kind Of Porn Most Women Watch

By | 9:56 PM Leave a Comment

If you thought TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and movies like The Notebook was about all the ladies needed in the lust department, well think again. Women apparently are really into porn too, proven by Pornhub and Buzzfeed when they teamed up to do a little research to see what kind of filth most women look up with shocking results. Okay, maybe not shocking, but at least guys can feel less ashamed knowing women watch it too with weirder tastes.
The top ranked search term performed by women, compared to men, was"lesbian" while the second most searched term for women was "gay male". As the study stresses, on one hand most of the women searching could have been lesbian, but it's the second term that sort of negates that theory to some degree. The term "gangbang" was searched by women 80 percent more than men, and the term "Threesome" was searched by women 75 percent more than men.
Now if you're fearing that you'll have to invite your neighbors and colleagues into the bedroom to please your lady,  women apparently also enjoy the complete opposite of the group activity videos. "Solo male"was searched for by women 103 percent more than males. Even though "lesbian" is the top searched term by women compared to men's search terms, "there was no category more popular among women, compared to men, than 'Solo Male.'"
Thank God.
But, unfortunately, two of the other top searches were "bondage" as well as "rough sex" being in the top 16 of searched terms by women. But hey, at least it's no "gangbang".


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