Avengers: Age Of Ultron Post Credits Scene Explained

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Spoilers follow for the post credits scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron! If you have not seen it and don't want to be spoiled, stop reading now!
You've been warned.

Half way through the credits, audiences viewing Avengers: Age of Ultron got a terrifying look into the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans who have seen Guardians of the Galaxy or read Marvel comics know that the purple Titan seen in the post credits scene was none other than Thanos.
Of course, for those who don't know, the question of "Who is Thanos?" or better yet, "Who was that purple guy at the end?" is burning in their minds.
Thanos is the Mad Titan with one purpose: serving Death. His original Marvel Cinematic Universe debut came during the credits of Avengers, when his servant claimed to challenge humans would be "to court death," after humans defeated Loki and his Chitauri army. Thanos fathers Gamora and Nebula, though not actually a biological parent. One of the last of his kind, Thanos is an Eternal from Saturn's moon, Titan, born disfigured in comparison to the rest of his laid back, smart species.
Having been banished from his home land for creating a weapon and killing his own mother, Thanos began scouring the universe obsessed with Death. At times, Death even presented itself to Thanos in the form of a female whom Thanos felt he could never impress enough to attain her love.
The will to impress Death is what brings Thanos to the Infinity Gauntlet. In the Age of Ultron post credits scene, the golden glove presented to him just before he says "I'll do it my self," is the most powerful weapon in the universe. In the Infinity Gauntlet comic series, Thanos attains all six Infinity Gems and assembles them into the Gauntlet. With the snap of his fingers, Thanos literally makes half of all sentient life in the universe disappear. This includes several X-Men, Daredevil, and the Fantastic Four. 
From here, Thanos decides to impress Death even more by toying with many of the remaining super heroes who have banded together in a hopeless effort to stop him. For the most part, Thanos dispatches of the heroes with ease - decapitating Iron Man, beating the Hulk to death, stepping on Spider-Man, and breaking Captain America's neck with a backhanded slap. Ultimately, Thanos is defeated when his greed gets in the way and he leaves himself vulnerable to shunned daughter Nebula, who uses the Gauntlet to right his wrongs.
What does it mean for the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
We know that Infinity War is coming in the form of two films in 2018 and 2019. Had we not, this scene would have been the most mind blowing bit of screen time since Nick Fury walked into Tony Stark's mansion for the first time.
With the addition of Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and even more characters to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's line-up, we'll likely see an incredible team of Marvel heroes band together to take on Thanos in the Infinity War installments. How will Thanos get his hands on each of the Infinity Stones? We'll have to wait and see.
To date, we've seen four of the gems: the Tesseract (Space Gem), the Orb (Power Gem), Loki's Scepter/Vision's Jewel (Mind Gem), and the Aether (Reality Gem). This leaves the Soul and Time Gems in question, but surely, they will debut in Marvel Cinematic Universe soon enough.
What's more important though, is the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet was first seen in Thor when Frost Giants attempted to raid Odin's vault. You had to have a quick eye to catch it, but it was definitely there. Considering that we have not seen the Gauntlet since, we have no choice but to assume that Thanos is in Asgard. Pairing the knowledge of Thanos being the man behind the curtain in Avengers, providing Loki with his Chitauri army in hopes of destroying Earth, with the fact of Loki sitting on Asgard's throne as the false king since Thor: The Dark World, we know Thanos could easily access the vault by use of his inside man.
What did you think of the Avengers: Age of Ultron post credits scene? Do you want to see theInfinity Gauntlet storyline adapted to the silver screen in Infinity War?


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